Sunday, October 30, 2016

Fall Yard Project

The flower beds in front of the house were really pretty twenty years ago when the were put in but as you can imagine, time has taken a toll on that scene. Some plants died, some outgrew their space, and stray plants tried to take over a large portion of the area. The landscape timbers I used for a border had all but disappeared. Time to clear the space and start over.

This is the front of the house. As you can see just behind one of the cutest kids in the world and his pal Frosty, the shrubs here were taking over.

We took out the overgrown bushes and started a border of cement edgers. No rotting this time!

I made another trip to Lowe's after work today for the last of the new plants, gardenias this time, along with enough edgers to complete the job, and lots of mulch. I'll post pics of Saturday's progress later.


  1. I'd love to have a flower garden. However, out in the middle of nowhere we have bunnies. Lots of bunnies. And bunnies love flowers. Sigh. Lol.

  2. I know what you mean:) I put in a few broccoli and brussells sprouts plants a few weeks ago. After two thirds of them were cut off even with the soil, I had to put a fence around the last of the plants to try and salvage at least something. We'll see if the bunnies outsmart me:)


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