Sunday, February 3, 2019

A New Year to Celebrate

We all know just how busy and hectic the months of November and December can be. I took a break from the celebration posts for the month of January but I think it's time we had fun again. Here are some reasons to celebrate for the first week in February, 2019.

February 3 - National Carrot Cake Day

February 4 - National Thank a Mail Carrier Day

February 5 - National Shower with a Friend Day. *** The comment was once made that there were numerous shower scenes in my first book, In My Wildest Dreams. Leave a comment with the number of showers taken in the book for a chance to win a copy of the book!

February 6 - National Frozen Yogurt Day

February 7 - National Fettuccine Alfredo Day

February 8 - National Kite Flying Day

February 9 - National Pizza Day

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